Winfield Scott Stratton made his fortune in the gold mines of Cripple Creek in the late 19th century. Upon his death in 1902, he left a legacy that provided for poor persons who are without means of support and who are physically unable by reason of old age, youth, sickness or other infirmity to earn a livelihood. Since 1913, the Myron Stratton Home has provided a sanctuary for low-income seniors and continues to operate and maintain residential facilities and provide services to more than one hundred seniors who live in the cottages, apartments or assisted living facility on the grounds.
Lesser known to many is that the Myron Stratton Home also served as an orphanage from its founding until the late 1970’s when the United States began the transition to Foster Care as the national directive on services to children in need of residential care. In an ongoing effort to continue serving the populations Stratton specified in his will, the Home first funded the operation of several youth programs on its campus, and later made a decision to invest $8 million into the renovation and expansion of the previous orphanage buildings. This undertaking would make it possible for other charitable organizations in the community that share a similar mission to occupy, operate and provide services on the grounds of the Myron Stratton Home. Offering the buildings on a rent-free basis to these organizations would allow them to further their own outstanding work while simultaneously helping to fulfill the wishes and continue the legacy of Winfield Stratton’s generosity. 72,000 square feet of space formerly used in our orphanage program is now used by our community partners. This collaboration, formed in 2006, is known as the Stratton Consortium. The approximate value of this donation over the 18 years of the Consortium’s existence is in excess of $11.4 million in free rent.
The Consortium continues to flourish today with the combined efforts of these agencies serving over 20,000 clients from their Stratton campus locations. Guided by Winfield Stratton’s vision, The Myron Stratton Home and its Stratton Consortium partners continue to care for those less fortunate with compassion and dignity.